How to File for Emergency Custody in Colorado? In short, to initiate the process of obtaining emergency custody in Colorado, the first step is to file a petition for an emergency custody hearing in the appropriate court. Depending on where you are in Colorado, you may have the option to submit this
Divorce Blog
2021 Statutory Changes: Modifying Family Law Orders While an Appeal is Pending in Colorado
By: Stephen J. Plog As with most areas of the law, family law statutes and the cases interpreting them are not always clear. When ambiguity exists, attorneys and judges can be left wondering what the right outcome of the given issue may be. In many instances, the state legislature or judiciary
What to Bring to a First Meeting with a Family Law Attorney
By: Stephen J. Plog Do not let anxiety, apprehension, or the fear of the unknown subtract from your first meeting with your family law attorney. Thought and careful preparation will allow both you and your attorney to gain the most positive results from your first consultation. Family law is more than divorce.
How are Royalties Split During a Divorce?
By: Stephen J. Plog Colorado is an equitable division state. During a divorce, the court seeks to divide marital property equitably or as fairly as possible under the given circumstances. This often begins with the court first determining value and then dividing the marital property equally. Keep in mind that “equitable” does
How are Rental Properties Divided in a Divorce?
Colorado is an equitable division state, not a common law state. This can work to the advantage of a spouse making a separate claim to a piece of rental property. In an equitable division state, marital property, including rental property, is not automatically assumed to be divided equally as part of a
Criminal Histories & Child Custody – Can Child Custody Be Impacted From Prior Convictions in Colorado?
By: Sarah T. McCain Child custody is a complicated matter in Colorado. A judge should always grant child custody orders according to what is in the child’s best interest. Making this decision takes an in-depth look at both parents and their ability to care for the child. Most criminal convictions will not
What Are the Similarities & Differences Between Civil Unions & Common Law Marriages?
By: Stephen J. Plog A traditional marriage is not the only type of legal union recognized by the courts in Colorado. There are two other possibilities: a civil union and a common law marriage. Learning the similarities and differences between these two types of unions may be important for legal reasons if
Am I Required to Share My Inheritance With My Spouse in a Colorado Divorce?
If you receive an inheritance during your marriage it is generally yours and yours alone under Colorado law. However, if the money or property your inherit increases in value during your marriage and a divorce occurs, you may be required to split any increase in value with your spouse. Likewise, if you
What Are the Penalties for Lying in a Colorado Family Court?
Divorce is a difficult and emotional matter that can bring out the worst in people. Some may even lie in an official record or while giving testimony in a family law court to achieve the desired outcome. Lying in a Colorado family law case can come with severe penalties if it constitutes
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