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Divorce Blog

How to File for Emergency Custody in Colorado

How to File for Emergency Custody in Colorado? In short, to initiate the process of obtaining emergency custody in Colorado, the first step is to file a petition for an emergency custody hearing in the appropriate court. Depending on where you are in Colorado, you may have the option to submit this

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What to Bring to a First Meeting with a Family Law Attorney

By:  Stephen J. Plog Do not let anxiety, apprehension, or the fear of the unknown subtract from your first meeting with your family law attorney. Thought and careful preparation will allow both you and your attorney to gain the most positive results from your first consultation. Family law is more than divorce.

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How are Royalties Split During a Divorce?

By: Stephen J. Plog Colorado is an equitable division state. During a divorce, the court seeks to divide marital property equitably or as fairly as possible under the given circumstances. This often begins with the court first determining value and then dividing the marital property equally.  Keep in mind that “equitable” does

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How are Rental Properties Divided in a Divorce?

Colorado is an equitable division state, not a common law state. This can work to the advantage of a spouse making a separate claim to a piece of rental property. In an equitable division state, marital property, including rental property, is not automatically assumed to be divided equally as part of a

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