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Divorce Blog

What to Bring to a First Meeting with a Family Law Attorney

By:  Stephen J. Plog Do not let anxiety, apprehension, or the fear of the unknown subtract from your first meeting with your family law attorney. Thought and careful preparation will allow both you and your attorney to gain the most positive results from your first consultation. Family law is more than divorce.

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How are Royalties Split During a Divorce?

By: Stephen J. Plog Colorado is an equitable division state. During a divorce, the court seeks to divide marital property equitably or as fairly as possible under the given circumstances. This often begins with the court first determining value and then dividing the marital property equally.  Keep in mind that “equitable” does

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How are Rental Properties Divided in a Divorce?

Colorado is an equitable division state, not a common law state. This can work to the advantage of a spouse making a separate claim to a piece of rental property. In an equitable division state, marital property, including rental property, is not automatically assumed to be divided equally as part of a

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Establishing Child Custody in Colorado

Colorado’s child custody laws are complex and can be confusing, especially when combined with a divorce or other family law matter. If you are unsure about Colorado’s child custody laws, read the following information for a brief explanation of: How Colorado’s family courts determine custody; The types of custody available in Colorado;

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What Are the Differences Between Custody & Legal Guardianship?

The laws pertaining to childcare in Colorado involve the concepts of custody, legal guardianship, adoption, foster care and more. Custody and legal guardianship are similar in that they both grant someone rights in relation to the care of a child. However, they are fundamentally different on a legal level. Understanding Colorado’s complicated

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