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Divorce Blog

How Does Divorce Affect Children?

Divorce often takes a significant emotional and psychological toll on children. If you’re going through a divorce, you’re likely wondering, What does divorce do to a child? How does it impact their well-being? Will your child adjust, or could this lead to long-term emotional and behavioral issues? These are natural questions to

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What Is Legal Separation in Colorado

When couples in Colorado face difficulties, they might consider either divorce or legal separation. But what is legal separation, and how does it differ from divorce? Understanding these two options can help you decide what’s right for your situation. If you’re considering a legal separation or divorce, the experienced attorneys at Plog

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Failure to Exercise Court Ordered Parenting Time in Colorado

Over decades of practicing family law in Colorado, I have encountered a wide range of case scenarios and answered countless client questions. One question that occasionally arises is, “What can I do if the non-custodial parent does not exercise visitation?” While family law attorneys often deal with cases involving denial of parenting

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Can My Spouse Sell Assets During a Divorce?

Going through a divorce is tough, but it’s even harder when you think your spouse is selling your shared assets. You may be wondering, “Can a spouse sell assets during a divorce?” This is actually a common question and experience for those going through a divorce. Recognizing this, we’re here to help

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What Does the Average Divorce Cost?

If you are contemplating a divorce, money is likely on your mind. You might have questions about how much of the marital estate you can keep, and you might be asking, How much does a divorce cost in Colorado? The cost of a divorce varies widely based on a case’s specific facts.

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Calculating Colorado Child Support: Understanding C.R.S. 14-10-115 and New Income Imputation Standards

By Stephen J. Plog When navigating through the complexities of child support in Colorado, the primary relevant statute attorneys look to is C.R.S. 14-10-115. The statutory sections provides specific guidelines for determining child support obligations.  Those guidelines set forth the Legislature’s numerical determination of what specific monetary figure a child needs for

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What Am I Entitled to in a Divorce in Colorado?

If divorce is on the horizon for you and your spouse, you know that the division of assets is likely going to be an issue. And when you are gearing up for a potential fight over property and finances, it’s best to ask, What am I entitled to in a divorce? The

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When to File to Modify Parenting Time in Colorado

When you split from a spouse or partner who is the other parent of your child, your initial parenting time order from the family court will likely not be your last. A lot can change regarding your child’s needs from year to year (or even more frequently), and you may need to

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What Military Members Should Know When Divorcing

Research on divorce in the United States has primarily focused on the impact of marital dissolution on the civilian population. However, like many civilians who struggle with balancing multiple roles, military members face additional unique challenges during a divorce. U.S. service members often experience numerous and potentially lengthy deployments, sudden station changes,

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