Grandparent Visitation Frequently Asked Questions
Grandparent Visitation in Colorado: (See Colorado Revised Statutes, Title 19, Article 1, Section 117)
The experienced Colorado family law firm at Plog & Stein, P.C. recognizes that when it comes to custody related issues, grandparents have rights, too. Colorado statute sets forth procedures and rights for grandparents related to time with their grandchildren. Likewise, depending on the circumstances, grandparents may also seek custody orders. Our attorneys represent both parents and grandparents, and receive calls from grandparents seeking to understand their rights quite regularly. Below are a few of the frequently asked grandparent visitation questions we encounter. Please come check this page regularly as we may update it to include new questions.
Learn What Your Rights Are as a Grandparent Below.
- I filed a grandparent visitation motion before and lost. Can I file again?
- I want to move out of state, but there is an order for grandparent visitation. Can they stop me from moving?
- I filed a grandparent visitation motion before and lost. Can I file again?Yes. However, pursuant to C.R.S. 19-1-117, a motion for grandparent visitation can only be filed every 2 years, meaning a party must wait 2 years from the disposition of a prior motion before filing a new one. Unfortunately, 2 years can be a significant amount of time in the life of a child. Therefore, it is important for your family law attorney to be abreast of facts, procedures, and the law regarding grandparent visitation.
- I want to move out of state, but there is an order for grandparent visitation. Can they stop me from moving?The statutory section for grandparent visitation states that grandparent visitation cannot be the basis for preventing movement of a child. This means that the visitation cannot be the sole or pivotal factor for denying a request to move out of state with the children. Certainly, grandparent visitation orders would need to be modified, but they cannot be used to block a parent from relocating from Colorado with a child in a divorce or custody case.