By: W. Curtis Wiberg Every so often, Plog & Stein, P.C. receives calls from someone who states that they’ve been separated for years from their spouse, but that neither party ever bothered to make the divorce official. While typically, it’s no big deal if both spouses agree to just amicably make it
Divorce and General Family Law Knowledge
The Truth Behind Five Common Divorce Myths
Divorce can be a challenge, and there are many myths out there that can make it even more confusing. We have set the record straight on four of the most common pieces of misinformation about divorce so that you will have a better idea what to expect in your own case. Myth
Custody & Telephone Visitation (Part 1)
By: Stephen J. Plog Custody attorneys are keenly aware of the major and minor issues to be dealt with in divorce or custody cases. Of course, the major issues primarily relate to legal custody (parental responsibility regarding the making of major decisions), visitation (parenting time), and primary residential custody. Though the core
Attorney Fees in a Divorce or Custody Case (Part 1)
Going to see a lawyer is like going to the doctor. None of us want to do it. Just like we don’t ask to be sick, we don’t ask to have legal problems. In reality, we will all need the assistance of a doctor at some point over the course of our
Understanding The Basics of Your Colorado Divorce or Custody Hearing (Part 3)
In the first two parts of this article, I focused on the significance of a contested Denver area divorce or custody hearing and the first procedure steps in terms of sequence and timing. In those posts, I discussed opening arguments, testimony, and what can be expected at each of those phases. This
Understanding The Basics of Your Colorado Divorce or Custody Hearing (Part 1)
As I often indicate, each Denver area divorce or custody case is unique, with its own twists, turns and variables which can come to play and, potentially, have an impact on the outcome of a case. An experienced Denver family law attorney knows how to deal with those nuances to his or
Gaps in Colorado Family Law Statutes (Part 3: Divorce)
Divorce is never easy. The attorneys at Plog & Stein P.C. see the emotional and financial toll divorce can have on a family. As such, we strive to provide clarity and great outcomes in uncertain situations. Divorce cases in Colorado can entail various issues aside from custody, including alimony, division of property,
Do I Get To Pick The Judge In My Divorce Or Custody Case?
An experienced Denver family law attorney knows that a critical factor in how a case could be decided, should it go to full blown litigation, or a trial, is which judge the case will be in front of. In the body of law that encompasses divorce, child support, and custody, there are
Divorce and Discovery (Part 2)
Earlier this month, we posted the first part of this article, setting for the basics of what family law attorneys call “discovery.” As previously indicated, discovery is generally issued in divorce, custody, or child support cases when one side believes more information is needed. This can include a heightened request for documents,
Divorce and Discovery (Part 1)
In any Denver area divorce or custody case, each side is going to be required to complete and exchange regular financial disclosures pursuant to the Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 16.2. Normal financial disclosures will include drafting what is called a “Sworn Financial Statement,” which is a document essentially setting forth